Domestic animals, birds

Animals were whipped three times

Animals were whipped three times. When the herd went out for the first time, a twig was taken and the herdsman walked three times around the herd. He struck each animal with the twig three times and the twig was thrown through the door of the stable to make the animals come home.

Loomi löödi vitsaga kolm korda

Kui kari esimest korda välja läks, võeti vits, käidi kolm korda ümber karja, löödi igat looma kolm korda vitsaga, visati see vits lauda uksest sisse, et loomad kodu tuleksid. 

Aliide Õunmartin, snd 1905. Võnnu khk, Kastre k. < Äksi khk, Raigastvere k. Koguja Külli Tamkivi 1986. RKM II 396, 635/6 (23). Inglise tõlge: Maarja Villandi-Reiljan.