Rewards and punishments of spirits

How the first doe came to be

Once upon a time, there were a brother and a sister. One beautiful summer day, the two of them went to pick berries in the forest and got lost. They wandered crisscrossing the forest but couldn't get out of the forest. Finally, the brother started to really want to drink. So they happened upon a beautiful spring, from which the Boy wanted to start drinking, but a voice called out from the forest: 
    "Don't drink! Whoever drinks this water will become a rabbit." The Boy did not drink and went on. He was very thirsty. Again he saw a water hole and wanted to start drinking. He was already right by the hole when a voice called out: 
    "Boy, don't drink here! Whoever drinks here will turn into a fox." At his sister's request, the brother did not drink, and they went on again. Thirst tormented the Boy. After a while, they came to a spring again. When the Boy wanted to start drinking, a voice called out from the forest again: 
    "Boy, don't drink! Whoever drinks from here will turn into a roe-deer." 
    Although the sister forbade and begged him, the brother could not bear the thirst any longer. He gave his sister his garter and told her to tie it around his neck if he turned into a roe-deer. Now he stepped on the shore of the spring and drank. 
    In the blink of an eye, he turned into a roe-deer. The sister tied the garter around his neck and led him on first. Finally, he got away from his sister's hand and ran into the forest. The sister now went home crying, but the brother became the first roe-deer.

Kuidas esimine metskits sai

Ennemuiste elanud üks vend ja üks õde. Ühel ilusal suvisel päeval läinud nad kahekeisi metsa marju noppima ja eksinuvad ära. Käinuvad risti ja rästi mööda metsa, aga välja ei saanud nad metsast. Viimaks hakkas vend kangesti juua tahtma. Juhtunuvad siis ühe ilusa allika juurde, kust poiss tahtnud jooma hakata, aga hääl hüüdnud metsast:
   „Ära joo! Kes seda vett joob, see saab jäneseks.“ Poiss ei joonud ja läks aga edasi. Janu vaevas kangesti. Jälle nägi ühte veeauku ja tahtis jooma hakata. Ju oli augu kaldal, kui hääl hüüdis:
   „Poiss, ära joo siit! Kes siit joob, see muutub rebaseks.“ Õe palve peale ei joonud vend mitte ja läksivad jälle edasi. Janu vaevas otse surmavalt poissi. Natukese aja pärast jõudsivad nad jälle ühe allika juurde. Kui poiss jooma tahtis hakata, hüüdis jälle hääl metsast:
   „Poiss, ära joo! Kes siit joob, see muutub metskitseks.“
   Küll õde keelas ja palus teda, aga vend ei jõudnud enam kannatada janu. Ta andis oma sukapaela ja käskis seda omale ümber kaela siduda, kui ta metskitseks muutub. Nüüd astus ta allika kaldale ja jõi.
   Selsamal silmapilgul muutus ta metskitseks. Õde sidus talle sukapaela kaela ümber ja taltsutas teda käekõrval esite edasi. Viimaks peasis ta õe käest lahti ja jooksis metsa. Õde läks nüüd nuttes kodu, aga vennast sai esimine metskits

Torma khk. Koguja Samuel Sommer 1896. H II 59, 686/8 (4). Trükitud: Järv, Kaasik, Toomeos-Orglaan 2009. Inglise tõlge: Kai Veispak-Rawlings, Craig Rawlings.