Giants, mythological kings

The Old Devil’s brush

If the end of the log becomes frizzy while cutting, it would be the Old Devil’s brush. A cross should be made on it, or the devil (lit. Old Boy) would brush his hair with this.


Vanapagana hari

Kui lõikudes puuots käharikuks jääb siis olevat see vanapagana pea ari – sellele tehakse rist peale muidu sugivat vanapois sellega oma pead. 

Viljandi. Koguja Heinrich Masing 1890. H II 7, 319 (28). Inglise tõlge: Maarja Villandi-Reiljan.

Old Devil turns the wind

The heater of a barn oven or another grain winnower whistles, when the wind tends to quiet down to pick it up again. The one turning away the wind and teasing at such work is the Old Bogy or Devil.


Helme khk. Koguja Aleksander Wahlberg 1860/80. ERA II 198, 462 (1). Inglise tõlge: Maarja Villandi-Reiljan.