Easter and the arrival of spring

On the swing. Setomaa, Seretsova k. Foto: Armas Otto Väisänen 1913. ERA, Foto 965.
Ussirohi enne jüripäeva
Snake medicine

Before St. George's Day the snake is said to be a stronger medicine than after it. A snake was cut into pieces and boiled in the kettle. This broth was given to the horse, if it had a nightmare. 

Ussirohi enne jüripäeva

Enne jüripäivä olevat uss kangem rohi kui pärast jüripäeva. 

Uss raiuti tükkideks ja pandi patta keema. Seda leent anti hobusele, kui tal luupainaja peal käis.

Ann Pilberg. snd 1858, Põlva khk, Karilatsi v ja k. Koguja Richard Viidebaum 1933. ERA II 63, 66 (125).