Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

The Goose Game

Mari Kilu Jõelähtme (1936)

Mängijad seisavad alguses vastastikku kahes viirus, mõni samm teineteisest eemal. Laulu esimese värsi ajal liiguvad viirud teineteise vastu, järgmise värsi kestel eemalduvad endisele kohale. Nii kordub see kuni laulu lõpuni. Lõpuks moodustavad mängijad ühise sõõri ning hakkavad ringtantsu tantsima. Liikumine toimub valsisammudega ning kehakallutustega vahelduvalt vasakule ja paremale.

“Hanemängu” on mängitud ka sarnaselt “Väravamängule” (kaks mängijat moodustavad värava, teised käivad reas värava alt läbi, viimane võetakse kinni) või ringmänguna (“hani” on ringi keskel, laulu lõpul valib endale ringist asemiku).

In the beginning the players stand a few steps apart in two rows facing each other. During the first line of the song the two rows move toward each other and during the second line they go back to their original positions. This is repeated until the end of the song. At the end the players form one circle and start to dance a circle dance. They move in waltz step and lean first to the left and then the right.

The Goose Game has also been played like the Gate Game (two players form a gate, the other pass in a row under the gate and the last one is captured) or it was done as a circle game (the goose is in the middle of the circle and at the end she chooses a new goose to replace her).

Kust sa tulid, kust sa tulid,
ani, ani valge?
Mererannast, mererannast,
joutse, joutse hülbe.
Mis sa sealla tegemassa,
hani, ani valge?
Anipoegi pesemassa,
joutse, joutse hülbe.
Kas sa pesid minu pojad,
ani, ani valge?
Seallap olid isegi,
joutse, joutse hülbe.

Where, oh where are you coming from,
goosy, goosy, so white?
From the sea shore, the sea shore,
swan bird, swan bird, so proud.
What were you a-doing there,
goosy, goosy, so white?
I was washing my little goslings,
swan bird, swan bird, so proud.
Did you by chance wash my babies too,
goosy, goosy, so white?
I saw you there yourself,
swan bird, swan bird, so proud.

ERA, Pl. 28 A3 < Jõelähtme khk., Viimsi v., Randvere k. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1936. a. < Mari Kilu, 84-a.
[LP VII 9; CD3-9].