Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3


Kadri Asu Kolga-Jaani (1937)

Umal uikus lat´i otses,
käbi kärkis kuuse otses:
“Tulge tännä, noored mehed,
viige mind kot´is kodoje!
Säält m(in)a tükin tünderisse,
astun õlleankurisse,
veeren viinaveerendisse,
võtan meele meeste päästä,
tanu targa naeste päästä,
poole meele poeste päästä.
Mehed mütsata müravad,
naised tan´tsivad tanuta,
poisid poolesaabasteta.”

The hops called out from atop the stakes,
the cones shouted out from the fir tree:
“Come on over here young men,
take me home in a bag!
There I will barge into the vat,
step into the beer keg,
roll into the quarter barrel of spirits.
I will take the wits from men's heads,
the bonnets off the heads of wise women,
half their wits from the boys' heads.
The men will frolic without hats,
the women will dance without bonnets,
the boys will have only one boot one.”

ERA, Pl. 45 B1 < Kolga-Jaani khk., Uue-Võidu v. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1937. a. < Kadri Asu, 67-a.
[LP V d 1; CD2-18]. Viidang 1997, 27.