Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

The Lying Groom

Kristjan Kiviloo Kuusalu (1962)

Tule aga mulle, tuisurille,
sulaselle, suisurille,
pere- aga -pojale, peiarille!
Perepoig on perguline,
petab palju, peksab palju,
valestab, varastab palju.
Lubas aga tuua kolmed kingad,
ühed puised, teised luised,
kolmandad kivised kingad –
puised kingad pulmakingad,
luised kingad lustikingad,
kivised kirikukingad –
ei saand pahu paslijagi,
vallast vanu viisujagi.

Siin olid neiud neljadkümmed,
vierandi olid viiedkümmed,
kuku aga sa mu, kuuedkümmed.

Eks minu isa võind hunta süöta,
ema aga karu kasvatata,
enne kui süötsid mind mehesta,
kasvatelid mind kanasta.
Eide-ga kopsus mina kosusin,
Eide-ga maksus mina magasin,
sõin aga eide südamesuoni,
purin aga eide puusaluida,
närisine eide nänninahku.
Sie sai abi, kes ei aitnud,
sie sai turva, kes ei toitnud.

Come to me, a madcap fool,
a reckless servant boy,
a rogue of a farmer's son!
The farmer's son is a devil,
he cheats a lot and beats a lot,
lies and steals a lot.
He promised to bring me three pairs of shoes,
one pair were to be wooden, the second bone,
the third were to be stone shoes –
the wooden shoes were to be wedding shoes,
the bone shoes were to be shoes for making merry,
the stone shoes, church-going shoes –
I did not get even a pair of worn slippers
or old bast shoes from the parish.

Here were maidens, forty of them,
a quarter of them numbered fifty,
call out to me you sixty [maidens].

My father might have fed a wolf,
my mother might have raised a bear,
before he would have fed me to be a man,
raised me to be a cockerel.
I grew strong in my mother's lungs,
I slept in my mother's liver,
I ate the sinews of my mother's heart,
I bit on my mother's hip bone,
I chewed on the skin of my mother's tits.
Who did not help, was helped,
who did not feed, got safety.

RKM, Mgn. II 734 a < Harju raj., Loksa kn., Turbuneeme k. (Kuusalu khk.) – H. Tampere Kirjandusmuuseumi ekspeditsioonil 1962. a. < Kristjan Kiviloo, 68-a.
[LP V b 4; CD2-9]. Mirov, Rüütel, Tormis 1977, 114 (nr. 56).