Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

Servants of Slumber

Miina Lambot Kuusalu (1938)

Tule, uni, ukse'esta,
astu sisse akkenasta,
riugu-raugu reppänestä,
käi lapse kätki piale,
kuku lapse kulma pääle,
lange silmälaua pääle!

Ulkusid une sulased,
kävid rammad käsküjalad,
etsisid unisi lapsi,
magajaida poisikasi.
Uni ukselta küsikse:
“Kas on lapsija tuassa,
kähärpäidä kätküvessa,
valge riiete vahella,
kena kimbu keske'ella?”

Come, Slumber, through the door,
step in through the window,
scramble in through the chimney vent,
climb onto our child's cradle,
fall onto our baby's brow,
descend onto our baby's eyelids!

Servants of Slumber were roaming about,
weary messengers were walking about,
they were looking for tired children,
for sleeping boys.
Slumber asked at the door:
“Are there babies in the room,
curly heads in the crib,
between white sheets,
in sweet bundles?”

ERA, Pl. 87 B3 < Kuusalu khk., Kolga v., Juminda k. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1938. a. < Miina Lambot, 70-a.
[LP III a 3; CD1-30].