Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

Revenge on the Lords

Kadri Asu Kolga-Jaani (1937)

Oleks minu olemine,
teiseks minu tegemine,
ma paneks ärräd ärgädesse,
kupjad kõrva kurgedesse,
saksa lapsed sahkadesse,
prouad rangiroomadesse.

If it were mine to do,
secondly, mine to arrange,
I would turn the lords into oxen,
the taskmasters into plough handles,
the lord's children into ploughs,
their ladies into harnesses.

ERA, Pl. 43 B3 < Kolga-Jaani khk., Uue-Võidu v. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1937. a. < Kadri Asu, 67-a.
[LP V c 6; CD2-17]. Viidang 1997, 29.