Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

The Sad Songster

Miina Lambot Kuusalu (1938)

Kes mind kuuleb laulemaie,
sie arvab ilu olema,
rõõmupäivi mind pidama.
Ma laulan läbi murede,
läbi leinatse südame.

Silmist juokseb rinnuleni,
rinnulta süämeleni,
südamelta polvileni,
polvilta labajalule,
labajalult varvastelle,
varvastelt mahaje juokseb.
Siis saab külä karja juua,
valla juua varsukased,
muisina obused juua.

Whoever hears me singing,
thinks I am happy,
believes me to have joyful days.
I sing though I have woes,
though my heart be mourning.

From my eyes [tears] are flowing onto my breast,
from my breast [they flow] onto my heart,
from my heart onto my knees,
from my knee onto my feet,
from my feet onto my toes,
from my toes they flow to the ground.
Then the village herds can drink from it,
the parish calves can drink,
the manor horses can drink.

ERA, Pl. 87 B2 < Kuusalu khk., Kolga v., Juminda k. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1938. a. < Miina Lambot, 70-a.
[LP V a 4; CD2-4]. Rüütel, Mirov, Tormis 1977, 78–79 (nr. 29).