Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

Let the Cradle Rock!

Anna Paalberg Kuusalu (1938)

Eia, tuia,
lase kiike käia!
Ää-tulla lasta,
tuli muori vasta,
... muori tuli vasta,
keppi kääs, kotti seljäs,
suuret tossut jalas.
Ää-tulla lasta,
muori tuli vasta,
keppi kääs, kotti seljäs,
suuret tossut jalas.

Lullaby lumber,
let the cradle rock!
Hush-a-by the child,
here comes a granny,

with a stick in his hand, and a pack on his back,
and great big slippers on his feet.
Hush-a-by the child,
here comes a granny,
with a stick in his hand, and a pack on his back,
and great big slippers on his feet.

ERA, Pl. 82 A2 < Kuusalu khk., Kolga v., Tapurla k. – H. Tampere, A. Pulst Riigi Ringhäälingus 1938. a. < Anna Paalberg, 64-a.
[LP III a 2; CD1-29]. Mirov, Rüütel, Tormis 1977, 66 (nr. 21).