Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

Thicken, Precious Cream!

Liisa Kümmel Tori (1961)

Millal siis seda? – Ikke isa tegi võid ja laulis ja siss meie, lapsed, ootasime seal võileiba ja kuulasime juures siss.

So, when was this? – Well, father would always make the butter and he would sing and then us children, we were waiting there for our bread and butter and we listened to him sing.

[Kokku, kokku,] kooreke,
midadi-mädadi, männake!
Kibadi-kobadi kokku mingu,
midadi-mädadi mättad tulgu,
taevast tulgu, sisse mingu,
ümmer männa mitsa-matsa,
leiva peale litsa-latsa,
ah, ah, ah, ah!
Lastel lõbus tantsu lüia,
võid ja pehmet leiba süia,
ah, ah, ah, ah!

[Thicken, thicken,] precious cream,
splish-splash, butter whisk!
Clitter-clatter, come together,
splish-splash, clumps must come,
come from the sky, get in the butter,
round the whisk, squish-squash,
onto the bread, split-splat,
hah, hah, hah, hah!
Fun for the children to dance around,
while eating their fresh baked bread and butter,
hah, hah, hah, hah!

RKM, Mgn. II 520 j < Pärnu raj., Tori kn., Ore k. (Tori khk.) – H. Tampere Kirjandusmuuseumi ekspeditsioonil 1961. a. < Liisa Kümmel, 73-a.
[LP I c 2; CD1-13].