Recordings from the Estonian Folklore Archives 3

The Dog Goes to Keep the Herd

Selma Lätt Halliste (1966)

Lapse jalgadega imiteeritakse koera jooksmist:

Kuits läits karja
lin´ta-lön´ta, lin´ta-lön´ta.
Kuits tuli kodu
kippadi-kappadi, kippadi-kappadi,
üle aia parvolksti!

The movements of the dog are mimicked with the child's legs:

Puppy went to keep the herd,
draggy-droopy, draggy-droopy.
Puppy came home again,
hippity-hoppity, hippity-hoppity,
over the fence, kersplash!

RKM, Mgn. II 1149 c < Tartu l. < Halliste khk. – H. Tampere Eesti Raadios 1966. a. < Selma Lätt, 56-a.
[LP III b 3; CD1-34].