Mikkeĺ-Kikkeĺ konnapoika

(Mikkel-Kikkel, Little Frog)

Leanne Barbo, Janika Oras

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In Votian

Mikkeĺ-Kikkeĺ konnapoika
meni õjall õnkima,
ai, voi-voi-voi, voi-voi-voi-voi,
meni õjall õnkima,

meni õjall õnkima,
sai vaa kõlmõd kalla.

Ühe möi vaa tõizõ sei,
kõlmõttõma vei kotto,

kõlmõttõmaa vei kotto,
eb se katill antannu,

eb se katill antannu,
katti meni puhhõ,

katti meni puhhõ,
sittu Mikkelill suhhõ,

sittu Mikkelill suhhõ,
a Mikkeĺ juttõb: “Mikä se onõ?“

Mikkeĺ juttõb: “Mikä onõ?“
Matti juttõb: “Manzikaz.“

In English

Mikkel-Kikkel, little frog,*
Went to catch fish at the stream,

Went to catch fish at the stream,
Caught three fish.

Sold one, ate the other,
Took the third one home,

Took the third one home,
Wouldn’t give it to the cat,

Wouldn’t give it to the cat,
The cat climbed up a tree,

The cat climbed up a tree,
Shitted in Mikkel’s mouth,

Shitted in Mikkel’s mouth,
Mikkel asks: “What’s that?”

Mikkel asks: “What’s that?”
Matti says: “Strawberry.”

In Votian written language

Mikkeĺ-Kikkeĺ konnapoikõ
meni õjall õnkima,
ai, voi-voi-voi, voi-voi-voi-voi,
meni õjall õnkima,

meni õjall õnkima,
sai vaa kõlmõd kalla.

Ühe möi vaa tõizõ sei,
kõlmõttõma vei kotto,

kõlmõttõma vei kotto,
eb se katill antannu,

eb se katill antannu,
katti meni puhhõ,

katti meni puhhõ,
sittu Mikkelill suhhõ,

sittu Mikkelill suhhõ,
a Mikkeĺ juttõb: “Mikä se onõ?“

Mikkeĺ juttõb: “Mikä onõ?“
Matti juttõb: “Manzikõz.“

* Used here as a term of endearment.

A humorous song about Mihkel, who catches fish, eats and sells it, but wouldn’t give to his cat. The cat plots revenge.

Nat´u Lukina has referred to the song as a children’s song, but has said that women could also sing it while dancing in a circle. Next to Votians, the song is also known among Ingrians and Ingrian-Finns.

T M Naťu (Natalja) Lukina, Jõgõperä (Ariste 1986: 25–26, 97; Paul Ariste, Igor Tõnurist 1971, RKM, Mgn II 2330 b).