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Suri sotsiolingvist ja folklorist Dell Hymes

Dell Dell Hathaway Hymes (7.06.1927-13.11.2009), Ameerika sotsiolingvist, antropoloog ja folklorist iseloomustas ennast mõne aasta eest Virginia Ülikooli veebilehel: "I never know what to say when someone asks what I have done and do. So much of it has depended and depends on circumstances. I have never done anything I would myself describe as theoretical or ethnographic (in a strict sense of either term), although I have often written about ideas, and spent a fair amount of time hanging around Indians. I am interested in what is done in the study of the use of language, oral narrative and poetry, the history of anthropology and linguistics, Native Americans, theology."
Tema uuendused keeleteaduses, erinevate kultuuride kommunikatsioonivormide ja -stiilide alased uurimused, põlisrahvaste etnopoeetika alased uurimistööd edendasid ja muutsid keeleteaduse ja folkloristlika diskursusi. Paljusid on inspireerinud Dell Hymesi raamatud "Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach" (1974), "Ethnography, Linguistics, Narrative Inequality: Toward an Understanding of Voice" (1996), "In Vain I Tried to Tell You" (1981), "Now I know only so far. Essays in Ethnopoetics" (2003) jpm. Ta on olnud Ameerika Lingvistika Seltsi, Ameerika Antropoloogilise Assotsiatsiooni ja Ameeruika Folkloori Seltsi president, ajakirja Language in Society asutaja.

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