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Ulla-Maija Peltoneni loeng Tartu Ülikoolis

Kolmapäeval, 29. oktoobril kell 14.00-15.00 esineb Tartu Ülikoolis (Lossi 3-405) loenguga Soome Kirjanduse Seltsi kirjandusarhiivi juhataja Ulla-Maija Peltonen, PhD.
Loengu teema on "The Invention of Heroes in Historical Representations: The Varying Images of Marshal Mannerheim"
The researchproject is designed to broaden our historical and cultural understanding of heroism on how the heroes are constructed, and the sorts of meanings do they attain in society at large and in the lives of individuals.
The Marshal of Finland, Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheim (1867-1951), is one of the most widely studied individuals of Finnish history. Although it is known that Mannerheim was a controversial figure, the prevailing image of him is quite elitist and the most well known biography of him verges on hagiography.
The main research question is concerned with how the historical image derives from at least two sources: on the one hand, historical writings (this includes literary fiction and the mass media) and on the other hand, the popular history conveyed through oral traditions. Songs have been composed about Mannerheim and many anecdotes and reminiscences are attached to his name. Narratives are processes by which meanings are produced. The relationships between narratives, their differences and contradictions, also appear in the interplay between official and unofficial perspectives.
Loeng keskendub küsimusele, kuidas pilt ajaloolisest isikust kujuneb ühelt poolt ajalookirjutuses (sh ka kirjanduses ja massimeedias) ja teiselt poolt suulisel traditsioonil põhinevas pärimuslikus ajaloos.
Marssal Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheimi (1867-1951) puudutavaid narratiive, nendevahelisi suhteid, erinevuse ja vastuolusid vaagitakse skaalal ametlik-mitteametlik skaalal.
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