From History to Folklore and Back: Legends and Visual Narratives of Kyiv In War

Alina Oprelianska

A legend about the foundation of Kyiv

Legends about Andrew the Apostle (Andrii Pervozvannyi) and the Andiivs`ka Church in Kyiv

Kyrylo Kozhumiaka and the Serpent

The legend about the Princess (Knahynia) Olha

The Bald Mountain and the City of Witches

Baptizm of Kyivan Rus’

From History to Folklore and Back: Legends and Visual Narratives of Kyiv In War by Alina Oprelianska

ELM Scholarly Press, Tartu 2022. ISBN 978-9916-659-34-2

Slava Ukraini! Heroiyam Slava! * * * Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!

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