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EKM Teaduskirjastus

13th Annual Conference of the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies

Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in Language and Culture


Koostaja: Maria Reile

ISBN: 978-9916-659-33-5 (pdf)

Ilmumisaeg: 2022

On behalf of the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies we warmly welcome you in Tartu. We hope that your stay in Tartu will be a success and that you will take back many inspiring ideas and colourful memories.
Subjectivity refers to the fact that speakers and writers, authors and presenters do not only convey content, but also express themselves, weaving attitudes, assessments and emotions into their texts and works. Intersubjectivity refers to relations with the discourse partner(s) woven into the text or work: the listener, reader, audience, co-presenter, another character in the work, or another work. Thus, these phenomena can be found in different spheres of activity of the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies. The aim of the conference is to discuss what is common and what is distinctive in (inter)subjectivity in language, literature, folk culture, music, philosophy, and computer interaction, as well as what connections can be identified between different types of (inter)subjectivity.
The presentations handle different aspects of (inter)subjectivity, for example:
• (means of) expression of modality, deicticity, expressiveness, and emotionality
• entrenchment of (inter)subjectivity in grammar
• discourse actions and their means of expression in language and creative work
• (inter)subjectivity in computer interaction
• corpus studies of (inter)subjectivity
• politeness and impoliteness
• truth-telling and lying
• authentic, imitated and altered (inter)subjectivity
• (inter)subjectivity in different genres, text types, and registers
• (inter)subjectivity in beliefs and mythology
• performance as collaboration