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EKM Teaduskirjastus

30th ISHS Conference

Humour: Positively (?) Transforming


Koostaja: Liisi Laineste & Anastasiya Fiadotava

ISBN: 978-9949-586-73-8 (print); 978-9949-586-74-5 (pdf)

Ilmumisaeg: 2018

In 2018, humour researchers and practitioners will gather in Tallinn, Estonia, to discuss humour from its basic definitions to innovative research and everything in between. Bringing together a variety of scholars, students and creative practitioners, ISHS Tallinn 2018 focuses on the broad theme of “Humour: positively (?) transforming” – its creative aspect and contextual nature.
On its 30th anniversary, the 2018 International Humour Studies Conference calls for proposals of papers, posters, special panels (90-180 min), workshops (90 min) and other academic formats (including panels of flash presentations, 5-7 min each) related to humour research or the applications of humour research in the arts, humanities, and sciences. The suggested topic areas could cover, although are not limited to: