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EKM Teaduskirjastus

Encounter Charms

Symposium on Encounter Charms. May 9, 2008 Tartu. Abstracts


Koostaja: Jonathan Roper, Ülo Valk (eds.)

ISBN: 978-9949-446-12-4 (online); 978-9949-446-11-7 (trükis)

Ilmumisaeg: 2008

Many narrative charms feature an encounter between the chief protagonist of the historiola and another key figure.
These may be encounters with a supernatural helper or encounters with an evil power. The great charms scholar Ferdinand Ohrt termed such charms ‘Begegnungssegen’ in a series of influential articles and in his entry on ‘Segen’ in the Handwörterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens. But little
concentrated work has been done on encounter charms since then - a situation this seminar intends to remedy.

This seminar is dedicated to addressing encounter charms across cultures and over time.
Organised by the Committee on Charms, Charmers and Charming of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research in collaboration with the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu, and Department of Folklore, Estonian Literary Museum.