Prof. Dr. Dr. H. s. Thede Kahl, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany

Thede Kahl, PhD, Head of the Institute of South Slavic Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany. He is also a corresponding member of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences in Austrian Academy of Sciences since 2013. member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Commissions of Vanishing Languages and Cultural Heritage, and secretary of the Commission for Balkan Linguistics of the International Committee of Slavists. He’s a specialist in endangered dialects of the Balkan peninsula and Asia Minor. He’s editor and co-editor of ‘Symbolae Slavicae’, and series ‘Forum: Bulgarien’, ‘Forum Romanien’, ‘Balkanologie’. His research interests are in the field of dialectology, ethnography and folklore in the area of South Europe and Mediterranean, ethnicity and multiethnic co-existence.

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