Tõlge: It reads that the Academy of Agriculture teaches how to make cows out of goats.
Arhiiviviide: Andres Valdre erakogu
Keel: est
Asukoht: Tartu kaubahalli ehitusplank
Fotograaf: Andres Valdre
Jäädvustamise hetk: mai.1987
Kontekst: English: The same fence as in the previous photo. The text above the cow has been obviously written by students of the Academy of Agriculture, and it reads that the academy teaches how to make cows out of goats. Also note a later graffiti "WASP" on the cow, referring to the heavy metal band. Also note the mural on the house of the background. It possibly promoted the local newspaper Edasi (Forward), and the people were real people from its staff.