Tõlge: P2O5 [the chemical formula of the phosphate]? No!
Arhiiviviide: Andres Valdre erakogu
Keel: est
Asukoht: Tartu, Tartu kaubahalli ehitusplank
Fotograaf: Andres Valdre
Jäädvustamise hetk: mai.1987
Kontekst: The spring of 1987 saw the first major burst of nationalism, connected with the plans of a large phosphate mine that could have polluted about half of territory of Estonia. Here is the fence around a shopping mall construction site in the student city of Tartu, decorated by students. It has an iconic image of Estonian outline, with the planned location of the mine as a target, and text: "P2O5 [the chemical formula of the phosphate]? No!"