Tõlge: The graffiti reads more or less like this: "Politicians of diplomacy! Request from the country freedom for countries, with tenfold forces of all countries and one truth. Countries, order freedom for Estonia quickly."
Arhiiviviide: Andres Valdre erakogu
Keel: est
Asukoht: Tallinn, Tartu mnt, Paberi trammipeatus
Fotograaf: Andres Valdre
Jäädvustamise hetk: juuni.1987
Kontekst: There was a socially sensitive gentleman named Ülo Kiple who in the mid-1980s decorated many Estonian fences with variations of his treatise "Treatment of Diseases" (such as the long fence aroud the shopping mall construction site in Tartu where he wrote his text in five continuous 100-metre lines under each other). By late 1988 he had turned to politics. The graffiti reads more or less like this: "Politicians of diplomacy! Request from the country freedom for countries, with tenfold forces of all countries and one truth. Countries, order freedom for Estonia quickly."