Konstantin Shumov. Perm

The main analytical bases of this work was the mass of information, which was copied from Perm State University in 1994-1995. We include in this more than 7000 inscriptions and more than 1000 drawings from desks, walls, ceilings and window-sills from 100 lecture-halls, corridors, libraries and public conveniences. With the aim of comparison we use inscriptions copied from other universities of Perm (Technical University, Pedagogical University and Medical Academy). With the same aim we use inscriptions copied at random in Perm State University in 1980-1985.


We can classify the material according to some basic principles.

        The first principle is the form of graffiti. There are the following groups:

        1. "Memorial" inscriptions (autographs of students, mentioning their academic group, course, faculty, region, state, city or street, etc.) - about 30%.

        2. Addressing and salutation (to the lecturer, neighbour, friend, student sitting at the same desk during another lecture, etc.) - about 20%.

        3. Real dialogues (between neighbours, between students sitting at the same table in different lectures, etc.) - about 15 %.

        4. Spontaneous dialogues (between students sitting at the same table in different lectures) - 15%.

        5. Dialogues in verse which do not call for a reaction - 10 %.

        6. Other-10%.

The first four groups have the nature of real communication, they demand a reaction. The total amount of this kind of graffiti is about 80% of all the material.

The division of graffiti into thematic groups is not as clear as the one above. We can distinguish between the following groups:

        1. Sex (in different forms, from declaration of love to some forms of sex perversions) - about 20%.

        2. Music (especially popular) - about 20%.

        3. Drugs and liquor - about 15%.x

        4. Studying relations (between teachers and students, students of different faculties, exams, etc.) - about 10%.

        5. Sports-about 5%.

        6. Politics - under 5%.

        7. Other-25%.

Such situation makes clear that the students' interests in life differ from the traditional area of youth interests. Interests in first two items are traditional to all kinds of youth formations. But point 5 and the poor representation of sports are not traditional at all. We connect this with the minimum importance of university sports in Russia in contrast to university sports in the USA, for example. The percentage is somewhat higher at Technical University and Pedagogical University, because the first has some good sports teams and the second has a faculty of physical culture and sports. In the classical university sports graffiti is created by a small group of sport-fans.

Political apathy among students is a phenomenon of the last 4-5 years. In this period most of the political youth mass organisations in Russia were dissolved. There is some difference between the results in the classical university and the others. Students' graffiti includes more politics at Technical and Pedagogical universities. The main reason is creation of some local nationalistic and opposition party organisations in those establishments.

We cannot really say that graffiti is an objective reflection of students' natural interests, but some conclusions are interesting.

The next groups are selected on the basis of language. It is not a paradox, but the natural course of things. The groups are as follows:

        1. Russian-85%.

        2. English (including American youth slang) - under 15%.

        3. Others (French, German, Latin and pseudo-Latin, Georgian, Czech, Macedonian, Ukrainian, Chinese, etc.) - about 2%.

We connect this situation with some natural reasons. 1. English is taught in all faculties and thus studied by more than 80% of students (as the main and the second language on the faculty of philology; as a subject on others). 2. Latin is taught at the faculties of philology, history, biology and law. 3. Latin is interesting as a language of ancient culture. 4. Some Slavic languages are studied at the faculties of philology and history. 5. There are students of different nations (including English, American and Chinese). But the main reason of such multi-language situation is in the interest of the youth in everything strange, foreign and unknown.

The subsequent groups are connected with the environment of creation and vital activity. One of the most important signs of student environment is the heterogeneity of its social, professional and age structure. This fact explains the connections of the student world with different subcultures. We can see the following:

        1. Secondary school traditions - about 20%.

        2. Soldiers' traditions - about 10%.

        3. Traditions of youth groups (in Russian musovku: hippies, punks, Satanists, sports-fans, etc.) - under 10%.

        4. Criminal traditions (including traditions of young prisoners under 14 years) - about 5%.

        5. Only 15% of graffiti represent proper students traditions.

Interaction between the traditions of students and secondary schools is a natural process. The main source of student candidates in our university is secondary school. After 1,5-2 years of studying in the university one is not considered to be a real student - on some faculties students' initiation takes place only after 3-4 semesters.

Some people enter the university after service in the armed forces, and that is why soldiers' tradition has become a part of students' tradition. Another way of how soldiers' tradition has penetrated the students' tradition is through student girl-friends of soldiers and students serving in the army.

Every student may be a member of any youth group. The most popular groups in the universities are the abovementioned: hippies, punks, Satanists, sistemshchiki, gopniki, etc. These groups disseminate not only graffiti traditions among students, but also manuscript and oral traditions and games.

Furthermore, we must mark the great interest modem society has in criminal tradition. Certainly, because of some social and political circumstances, this interest cannot fail to appear in the students' environment. Among youth, criminal traditions are romanticised, this process being greatly enhanced by mass communication, "yellow" literature and general criminalisation of business in Russia. Besides, criminal groups are a subject of study in the faculty of law.


Natural dialogue in graffiti usually consists of some remarks or retorts to the main (first) opinion, which are formed with the aim of immediate answer. The dialogue takes shape in time and the author of the main opinion may see the results of his work. Sometimes the main opinion may get no reaction even if it is in the form of address to somebody. "Memorial" inscriptions are formed with the aim of provoking a non-written immediate answer, but often they are commented, thus obtaining the form of a dialogue. The opinion formed without the expectance of an immediate reaction may also be commented on, thus forming a dialogue.

We can say that dialogue in graffiti is one form of interaction between subcultures. It is not a natural dialogue. Some words about this process.

Citation is the main form of this kind of interaction. Intentional citation is one of the most popular forms of graffiti. The quoted phrase may be commented on, corrected and perverted. Parody is a kind of citation and a dialogue, as well as literary alteration. The last form of dialogue is semantic reforming (correction) of words and opinions.

In drawings we can distinguish the same main forms of dialogue. The first is adding some elements to a finished drawing, which correct the semantics of the main drawing. The other is finishing an unfinished drawing. A very interesting kind of dialogue is game in drawings.

Among drawings on lecture hall desks we can see pictures belonging to different subcultures (secondary schools', criminals', etc.).


There is positively a diversity of causes for the dialogue-like structure of the students' graffiti. The main causes stem from the sphere of psychology.

The first we associate with the peculiarities of perception of lecture-form of studies. Students can begin to sense emotional, communicative and informational hunger. All these are determined by the monotonous form of studying. After twenty minutes of lecture comes the period of relaxation of attention and people start wishing for a change of activities.

The unchanging emotional form of studying provokes students to change it by crushing. Monotonous lecture is not the best method of education. Experienced lecturers can change emotional background and may plan it forehand. But not all pedagogical methods can keep the situation under control.

There are some traditional ways of changing negative transgressing emotions and communication between students. We can mention messages, "paper games" (we know about 60 kinds of them), talking with neighbours, etc. Among these there are inscriptions and drawings on lecture hall desks. Dialogue partly helps to neutralise the negative trans-gressive moods caused by the lecture form of studying. Besides, we must point out that it is more natural than others.

Another cause is the desire to do something during the dull lecture.

In corridors and public conveniences the causes of creating graffiti and drawings are quite obvious. Most of them are "memorial".

We can see the following kinds of dialogue in students' graffiti.


Most of them are the reaction to the main inscription, comment it ironically or humiliatingly.

Individual memorial inscriptions:

        Inna - Seraia lakhudra ('fool') - Sam lokh ('simpleton') -

        Pizdomordyi - Otsosi (usually meaning a kind of oral sex)

        Ezh - Zlodei - Gandon ('condom') Masha - Khochu v pokhod i !!!

        Aleksei - Aleksii (the name of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church)

        Ol'ga - Ga-ga (a kind of laughing)

        Lekha - Xa-xa - Semchuk - Ne uchit kvanty - Ty-ty

        Shurik khriuk (meaning 'swine') - Rak - It's al right

        Kostia Lapshin - Urod

        Ruslik - Guslik - Khuslik

        Petrov V - Suka

        Dima - (Lokh)

        Natasha - Desiat' shtuk i nasha (shtuka — a thousand roubles; all meaning sex possession)

        Olia Z. - Kto takaia Olia Z? - Koroleva dzhunglei?

        Natasha! - I ia Iulia!

        Kuznetsova - Sama ty takaia - Ia tozhe Kuznetsova? - Ugadaisia - Ura, Irina, blin!

The second kind:

        Tut byl Gosha - (Bozhii oduvanchik) ('old man')

        ß tut byl - Camel - Verbliud

        Zdes' byl Ishimov - Lokh

        Zhenia i tut byl - I Artur zdes' byl

        I zdes' byl Zhenia - Vaniuchka pochemu pishesh' na dveri!?

        Zdes' byl Sania Iu - Bzdun - Korzun

        Zdes' byl diushes' - A nam-to chto

        The third kind (collective):

        Zdes' byl mekh-mat ('matematical faculty') — So vsemi vytekaiushchimi iz ètogo posledstviiami

        Geografy - Telegrafy

        11 ist (number of academic group of the faculty of history) - Stae-durak

        10 istoriki (94-96 gg) - LOKHI!

        9d kl shk N 33 - 106 kl shk N 6 - duraki

        9"B" shk N 90 kozly - Sami kozly - Shk 50


The most usual kind is addressing without any answer. But usually they are commented on ironically and humiliatingly.

        Nastia! I love you!!!

        ß khochu tebia

        Lil'!!! Pozdravliaiu!!! ß

        Lil'! privet - Privet

        Privet oi zhivoi apel'sinovyi sok - Privet mertvyi tomatnyi

        Mama, a ia Lenina liubliu!!! - Da ty che?

        Ol'ga, ia tebia liubliu! - Masha - lokh - Ee

        Ne pei vina, Gertruda! - P'ianstvo ne krasit dam

        Ne pei vina, Gertruda! - Pei vodku. Vasilek.

        Skazhite ... chto ia ego liubliu

        ß tebia ne khochu! (in sexual sense) - No pochemu!?

        Lena, ty zria menia otvergla. ß nashel sebe druguiu, kotoraia kruche ('more better') tebia - Vot tak!

        Vitalik, ia liubliu tebia - (ß tozhe liubliu)

        Pifa, ia tebia ne liubliu - I love you

        Gospodi! pomogi mne - Pomogaiu

One kind of this type of graffiti is inscriptions declaring sexual desire.

        Serezhen'ka, ia khochu tebia - Prikhodi!

        ß Zhakovu ebat' ('have sex') ne khochu - (Khochu, ochen' khochu!)

        Khochu bukhat' (' drink')\\! - A ia khochu i bukhat' i trakhat' ('have sex')

        Khochu! - Mashinu - (ß kupil mashinu! Ura!)

        Khochesh'? - Pokhudet' - O kak ia? khochu tebia

        Khochu! - Domoi

        Khochu khui v rot! - Poluchi! Dima Zk. 1 gr. - Malen'kii izvrashchenets - Poshliak

        ß khochu tebia - ß tebia tozhe - Kto ty? - Diushes - Menia zovut

        Diushes - A menia "Zolotoi kliuchik" - A menia "Romashka",

        "Maska", "Vesna" - A ia khochu vas oboikh - A ty nas znaesh'?

Another group is inscriptions-acquaintances. Sometimes a real appointment is meant.

        Davaite poznakomimsia - Menia zovut Natasha - A foto gde? - A vas? - Napishite zdes': - Said (the name of a cinema hero) — Grisha shk ¹ 1

        Napishi telefon i kak tebia zovut i kakoi pol - Vasia, pol srednii - Mne nadoel ètot debilizm! - 66-66-66

        Khochu s toboi poznakomit'sia - ß tozhe khochu - Who are you -

        Student girl - I'm too - Fu ty chert!

        Privet! Menia zovut Natasha. A tebia? - Olia

        Menia zovut Pashka. A t''ebia? - Napishi sam! - Vitek Orendonskii

        62-30-08 Lena! - A ty kto? - Tvoi budushchii drug - Imia Roman - Partiinaia klichka Wazlaw

        Nas zovut Gashe-krashe, Tasia-sisia ('bosom') -pisia ('vagina').

        Esli khochesh', napishi imia o vstreche, dogovorimsia - Dima Sasha

        (m.r.) - Vstrecha 29.11.94 Zdes' v 14.30

        Dina, gde ty? My ne trakhalis' dva goda! - Pereb'esh'sia

Some inscriptions are parodies on sex-service advertisements. The main principles of their creation are irony, derision and vulgarisation. But sometimes there are real telephone numbers, real student prostitutes. It is clear that nobody would actually write her real address. So we can say that most of advertisements are written by pals as foolish jokes. Sometimes they give telephone numbers of young teachers.

        Khochu poznakomit'sia s asivoi seksual'noi devchonkoi. Tolia

        K. Tel. 62-24-65

        Khochu muzha! - Nu i dura! - Zvoni 34-0-7 Misha

        Skvernye devchonki s filfaka ('philological faculty') bez lifchikov zhelaiut vstretit'sia po telefonu i zavesti druzhbu -

        Skvernye potomu chto bez lifchikov? - Èto tak milo, a vovse dazhe ne skverno - Zaebali bliadi!

        Poznakomlius' s simpatichnoi devushkoi ili parnem. O sebe: simpatichnyi paren' ili devushka

        Devushki (krasivye) zvonite - 319950

        Devushki! Pogibaiu bez laski i liubvi! Nezhnoe i chuvstvennoe serdtse khochet podarit' vam svoiu liubov'... Menia zovut Dima, a vashe imia? Tel. 62-01-85 - 27-06-85 Toma

        U menia est' drug Volodia. On budet rad obshcheniiu s prekrasnymi damami. Ego rabochii telefon 65-45-30 s 9.00 do 18.00.

        Pozvonite dlia prikola ('as a joke') Shchas razbezhalis' (never) -

        A mozhet ...

        Pozvoni mne, pozvoni (quotation from cinema music) - 64-15-85 Gosha - Zvonit' v liuboe vremia goda dlia polucheniia samykh sokrovennykh sex-zhelanii

        34-77-65 zvonit' v subbotu posle 10 chasov - Raiskoe naslazhdenie!

        28-88-07 Lena - Tvoi svobodnyi vecher, togda zvonite -

        Nedorogo voz'mut

        Devushka na vyezd (blondinka) - 45-34-98

        Eblia po telefonu 88-88-04 i 83-86-84 (not real address) posle

        10 chasov vechera - Call me now

        65-02-02 - Pozvat' Marusiu - Ili Marfu - Slavno potrakhaemsia!

        Ania-davalka ('prostitute') - 30-35-47

        Seksual'nye uslugi - The best kiss is my - 88-88-8? 88-88-9? 8 8-8 8-9? - Devchonki, zhdu

        Kiss my patch, my little baby - Firma po okazaniiu seksual'nykh uslug zhdet vas

        Liubye seksual'nye uslugi dlia malen'kikh mal'chikov i podrostkov. My zhdem vas po adresu: gorod, ulitsa, dom, kvartira, komnata, divanchik.

        Sadisty. - U vas sovsem krysha s''ekhala ('get mad') na seksual'noi pochve!

        73-24-46 - Seks druzhba

        Ishchu zhenu! Rost 230, ves 45, ob''em sisek bezrazmernyi, zhopa s kulachok, pizda ('vagina') bezdonna. Osebe: rost 45, ves 230, sisek net, zato khui ('phallus') poltora metra v visiachem sostoianii

        - O tebe: mudak ty! - Soglasen!

        Khochu muzha! I izvol'te predostavit' mne ego seichas zhe! Inna

        - A khu-khu ne kho-kho? - U menia svetloe chuvstvo, a vy nekhoroshie liudi stebaete ('jeer')

        Serzhant Maksimov liubov' moia otzovis', durachok, ia tak tebia khochu. Sviazhis' so mnoi po telefonu, ia tak skuchaiu po tvoemu penisu - Your love for the first time in my life - New - Sex-shop

        - Sis'ki zhopa i pizda v odnom nabore! IUlia K. iz Dobrianki otzovis' - Au - Etak - A kak? - A podrobnee? - 1) Rost 196 2) razmer obuvi 46 3) briunet 4) glaza karie - A dal'she chto? - Nichego! Oblomalas' ('deceive') dura!

        - Sam durak

        Zverev kozel - Kakaiu v karman 72-05-36 34-32-68 - Seks? - Il'ia Muromets! 48-59-11 (Ne zvonit')

Some inscriptions are in the form of slogans. Some years ago there were a great number of them because of the political situation. It was the ironical reaction of the youth to the collapse of communism. Today it is not topical any more, and that's why there are no political slogans -they have become neutral.

        Telefon spaseniia 911. Spasaites' - kto mozhet!!! - Noskova bol'shaia dura - Nu ochen' bol'shaia - A kogo spasat'-to? - Eshche ona ZHOPA!!!

        Vse na diskoteku!!!!!!!!! - Ona budet 22.05.95

        Proletarii vsekh stran - sovokupliaites'!

        Ne khrapi na lektsii! - Daby ne razbudit' blizhnego svoego

        Doloi prepodavatel'skii sostav! - Na Gavai ikh!

        What is love? - I love this game! - Deuvki! Snimaiute plauvki!

        Budem tantsevat' postel'nyi rok-n-roll! - Student bez SEXa - plebei bez siski. Vunderkind - (Mnogochlen)

        Smert' D Linchu! - Tebe tozhe

        Slava KPSS! - Slava LDPR! - Slava Bogu! - Slava Ivanov!!!!!!!

        Slava KPSS - Slava KPSSuk

        Da zdravstvuet univer! - Soglasna

        Vstupai v "×ernuiu sotniu"! - Èto gavno! - Èto zhid parkhatyi


        Rossiia, probudis'... Zhid sdokhni. Bei zhidov! Spasai Rossiiu! - Kozly! Govennye antisemity! - A ty parkhatyi shobestoi i zhidovskaia morda!

        Lenin! Zhivoi! Zhivee vsekh! Poshel na khui! - Sam idi, baten'ka

        Bozhe! Kakie vse umnye! Uzhas! - A to!

        Da zdravstvuet Sadovyi - samyi krutoi raion v gorode! A

        Parkovyi kruche - Samyi krutoi Zaprud

        Uchis' uchit'sia ne uchas'! - Uchis' mochit'sia ne mochas'!

The next group contains a great number of inscriptions, because the main form of their creation is complementing the first opinion or word or some other form of their correction. It may be an addition to or correction of a verse, prose text, proverb, citation of a song, etc. As a result of this process we usually see the changing of the semantic meaning.


        Ostav' (na)odezhdu, vsiak siuda vkhodiashchii

        Sidit Pet'ka (na zabore) na skameike KH.em (drochet) dolbit (kirpichi) tri kopeiki, Khochet sdelat' tri rublia, Ne vykhodit ne kh..!

        Esli v (krane) kh.. net (vody) mochi, (Vodu) Mochu vypili zhidy,

        Esli v (krane) kh.. est' (voda) mocha, Znachit zhid nalil tuda

        Malen'kii mal'chik so slomannoi nozhkoi (Supchik khlebal aliuminievoi lozhkoi) Rakom ebal na ulitsu koshku. Mama s ulybkoi smotrela na syna - Kogda zhe ty sdokhnesh', khromaia skotina!

        Nam by vodochki bukhnut' ('drink') (babu) parnia trakhnut' i usnut'

        - Golubaia mechta studenta

        Khimiia - nauka (veka) mudakov - Khimiia - mechta moia

        Lenin umer, (Lenin s nami) s nimi - Khui s nimi


        Esli muzhik starshe na dvadtsat' let, èto klassno? - Komu?

        Liubov' moia - ×to?

        Pashen'ka, krasnaia trostochka - A pochemu ne belaia?

        Devchonka ne boitsia seksa - ×len vo rtu vkusnee keksa - Sami probovali?

        Ty i ia - odna kompaniia - Ty kto?

        Lena, I'll fuck you. Wait for me. I'll be back - Really? Lena

        Ty prikhodi ko mne na pliazh. So mnoiu riadom tam ty liazh. S toboi my budem stroit' dom. Ty budesh' pervym ètazhom! - A nichego ne otmerznet? - Zima odnako

        Padaiut za oknami khlop'ia snega belogo. Nasten'ka, liubimaia, chto so mnoiu sdelala - ×to imenno?

        Navernoe trudno byt' po poias dereviannym!?!? - A ty dumal!?!?


        A cho tak zhidko ("badly ')? - Ponos! Ty ubil Loru Palmer? - Net!

        Kto ubil (F)Loru Palmer? - TWIN PEAKS!

        Ty budesh' moei? - Khot' seichas!

        Gospodi, sdelai menia tselomudrennym! - Ne seichas!


        Olesia + Lena = druzhba i liubov' - I deti - Izvrashchentsy vse

        GORE - Ne ot uma

        Kokushin-budo-karate - Èto krutoe der'mo

        KYOKUSIN-BODO-KARATE! - Khuinia s khuinei na khuine i

        khuinei po khuine khuiarit

        Stimorol - Dirol - Khuinia

        Depeche MODE - Luchshe byt' vragom naroda, chem fanatom DEPESH MODA

        Ves' mir - bardak. Vse baby - bliadi, I solntse — ebanyi fonar' - I diadia moi - mudak

        Malen'kii mal'chik nashel pulemet - bol'she v derevne nikto ne zhivet - O-o-o! Voroshilovskii strelok!

        Irina, ebus' kak shveinaia mashina - Zinger - Zachem tak poshlo?

        Kerry King - Jeff Hanneman - Tom Araya - Dave Lombardo -

        Smylsia urod - I postupil khorosho


        Mafiia - khuiafiia - Smyslovaia rifma

        I am happy - You are fucking bitch

        I love you Olya - ×ukhan napisal

        V zhope u sebia tupaia ia mudnia - ß sama takaia

        Zhil i Kobzon - Zhiv! - I budet zhit' - Trup

        I know what I want And I want you Now I want you my Jein -

        Ish' chego zakhotel

        Peite pivo nepremenno, pol'za budet nesomnenno - Peite pivo pennoe, morda budet obaldennaia - Ne smeshno

        Zhizn' der'mo, osobenno kogda ego tak mnogo - Nu ty pognal!

        IUL'KA NAS'KA - Poshli vse kh.i!

        KURWWZ - Poshel nalevo!

        Net khuda bez dobra - Dialektika opiat'-taki

        "Kino" - Nenavizhu lokhov


        Irina Galina Elena Irina Natal'ia - Kto takie? - Gopkompaniia, eb-kompaniia

        Tania Nata Ania Lena Sveta Oksana - Nochnoi striptiz - Bladi - Sam kozel

        Sveta - Liubitel' mineta

        8 Marta - khuev den' - Sam khui

        Come true - Fuck you green pen

        Viktor TSoi pedik - Sam ty pedik

        Èto shniaga - Èvglena zelenaia - Fignia - Èto ameba - Da-da sami vy.....zelenye

        IUra - likhach - Golova "Tormoz" - Rvanyi pedrilo - Valiutnaia shliukha

        Michael Jackson the best songer in the world - Fucking nigger with thinking ass

        Hi I man with big penis - Fuck off

        Aida svin'ia - I suka i eblo

        Fomka sobaka - Ne sobaka!

        Love you. Love you Lora - Mraz'!

        Popa - Èfiopa

        Kal - Svinoi


        momento(m) - More

        Kostia - man'iak - Gryzesh' mysh'iak

        What fuck is this? - Poor averedce exselent good - Èto urok geografii

        ßbloko - Grusha - Skushali

        Rossiia Ostankino - Rifei luchshe - Kha-kha - Net

        Suchki - Shliushki - Bliadinki - Prostitutki - Shvali - Shmary - Tvari - Pochti vse baby (zhenshchiny) - Zato ikh tak priiatno trakhat'

        ×len - Sam takoi

        Taganka, zachem sgubila ty menia - V rot tebia

        Uronili Mishku na pol, otorvali Mishke lapu, vse ravno ego ne broshu, potomu chto on khoroshii -         Da i zhalko ego, zhivotnoe vse-taki

        V dushe pomoika, a v golove pustota - I eshche sushniak

        Pizda v pizde - Pizdish' pizdato

        Pust' menia triaset-kolotit, vse ravno ia pit' ne broshu, dazhe esli spirt zamerznet, budu gryzt' ego zubami - Oplavitsia!


        Stae, on propil svoi vaterpas - I nekii sanuzel

        Manugabiia, ona propila svoiu astroliabiiu - Poshel ty, debil!

        Brawa - Ne znaesh' - ne pishi

        Po(p)ka sviazist (motal katushku) srok motal. Student ebal ego podruzhku

One of the main groups of graffiti among students is that in which the writers exchange caustic remarks between faculties. It is an old tradition of patriotism in a university that a student of any faculty praises his own and derides other faculties. Usually it is only a pose but during sport and others competitions the antagonism may be real. It is especially real between different institutes. It should be reflected in some forms of student folklore.

        Luchshe byt' khvostom makaki, chem uchit'sia na khimfake - ×to verno, to verno. O. Bender - Zamochu ('kill') ètu suku!

        Luchshe byt' pizdoi makaki, chem uchit'sia na khimfake - Sam durak

        Luchshe byt' ottsom makaki, chem uchit'sia na fizfake - Nu-nu

        Luchshe lech' na kuchu shlaka, chem na devochku s filfaka - Soglasen

        Luchshe lech' pod kuchu shlaka, chem pod mal'chika s iurfaka

        Luchshe lech' na kuchu (kala) shlaka, chem na devushku s (Urala) filfaka - A Ural-to chem provinilsia! - Ne Ural, a devushka

        V lesu rodilas' khimiia - A kto ee rodil? - ×etyre p'ianykh khimika i trezvyi gamadril

        Khimio Filiki! Vse vy tut man'iaki! Poniatno? - Da!

        Khimiia, khimiia - vsia zalupa siniaia - Èto ia vam kak fizik govoriu

        Èkonomisty - ubliudki - Mekhmat - kretiny - Biofak - suchki - Istfak - skoty - Khimfak - nariki - Filfak - shalavy -

        Mekhmat - pediki eblivye

        IUristy - onanisty, èkonomisty - prikolisty, fiziki - shiziki — A vot geografy zamechatel'nye rebiata

        Nu èkonomisty, nu vy daete! Kakie u vas nadpisi na partakh ne soderzhatel'nye! - Dazhe mata net - Suka na khui bliad' - Ot''ebites' vy pidarasy - Nevz''ebennaia pizdishino - ×to zaokhuevatel'naia pizdoproebnaia trimandobliadskaia lektsiia! - Poluchili!

        If you want to dring and fack, postupaite na iurfak

        PGU - Permskii Gerbarii urodov PPI - Permskii Pitomnik idiotov - a pro Ped slabo pridumat'!

        V Mede uchatsia mediki, a v Pede - pediki - Nepravda, my ochen' khoroshie!

Sometimes we can see not a real dialogue but a dialogue as a form of indivisible inscription. It may be a joke, verse or "philosophical" opinion. It has only one author.

        Nado dozhit'. Dozhit' do chego? Dozhit' by do chego-nibud'!

        Napishi mne otvet na vopros, napishi mne vser'ez. Kak tebia zovut, kogda tebia vpered nogami ponesut - Ne boisia za sebia, my vyp'em za tebia!

        ×to-to parta chistaia... byla

        Are You mr. Kissinger? - No, I am mr. Fuckinger!

        Ty kto? - ß min'etchitsa - Èto chto, khui sosesh' chto li? - Èto ty khui sosesh', a ia min'etchitsa!

        Kholodno - Ochen' kholodno - Zamerzaiu, est' khochetsia - Golodaiu - Umer!

        Father? - Yes son! - I want kill you - Mother? - Yes - I want You!

        Privet! - Privet! - Kak zhivesh'? Kak mozhesh'? - Zhivu khorosho.

        Mogu plokho. - Tak vykhodit plokho? - Vykhodit khorosho. Zakhodit plokho!

        Devushka, a, devushka, tebe skol'ko let? - Vosemnadtsat' - A srazu i ne dash'! - A vot i dam!

Sometimes there are dialogues created from inscriptions which are not connected semantically.

        Kiss my ass - Kiss this table - Fuck off

        Fan Factory - Take me chance - Roxet That Days - Di crazy

        Roxette - Sleeping in my car - Yes! Yes!

        Eet Fuk - Tampax - Vykroi minutku dlia otdykha Fuck your-self - You beach-student

But the main kind of real dialogue in students' graffiti is spontaneous dialogue. This, more than others, reflects the peculiarities of material — it contains all items, all groups of vocabulary, all forms of creation, all interacting subcultures. The first remark must be provocative in order to receive an emotional answer. The main principle is its orientation on emotion. The first remark may be "philosophical", insulting, intriguing, etc.

        Zhizn' - suka - Netb khuzheb no tochno ne bliad' - redko daet

        Natasha, bud' moei - Khorosho - Kogda?

        ß liubliu tebia...khimiia - A ia ne liubliu

        ß liubliu tebia, zhizn' - Nu i liubi - A ia tebia liubliu

        .......... A pochemu? - Mnogo budesh' znat' - plokho budesh' spat'

        Pupyr!? - Da, Pupyr! - Pup? yr! - Da, Pup? yr!

        Spartak - chempion! - Nu i khren s nim

        Vse! Segodnia ne proneset!!! - Proneslo!!! - Proneset ne proneset, a? - Posmotrim!

        Da poshel ty sam(a)!!! - Sam(a) idi!!! - Fuck you - Kiss himself in ass

        Liubimchik Pashka - o-o-o-o - Èto pravda moi liubimyi Pashka - A moi Kol'ka

        ß ne khochu domoi, a na khimiiu poidu - Tak ne idi

        Ne poidu na lektsiiu, u menia èrektsiia - A poidu na lektsiiu - propadet èrektsiia

        Zaebalsia sidet' na geokhimii - Pravil'no govorish'

        Santa Barbara - A ia liubliu Mèisona

        ß snova sorvus' s uma - I snow

        Shiza kosit nashi riady - A nam vse èto kak-to...

        ß korol' - A ia shut

        Kuril'shchiki! Vy podobny izvrashchentsam, priliudno vypolniaiushchim min'ety - A vam, pokhozhe, zavidno

        Karty - èto vredno! - Uchebniki tozhe

        ß ne v sebe, kogda ia ne v tebe. ß nevmeniaemyi, kogda ia ne v

tebe. Lermontov Pushkinu - Kto zacherkal moi stikhi! - Gandony chto-li?

        ×to my zdes' delaem? - Vyebyvaetes'

        Kak tebia zovut? - Èdik - Durak ty Èdik - A kak tebia zovut? -Lena - Prikol zhe ty Lena - Ty pedik? - Na 95% I want to eat!!! -1 want to eat too!!! - Privet, edinomyshlennik! - Privet, tol'ko ia ne edinomyshlennik, a edinomyshlennitsa! U Andreia khui - A u vas - A u nas v kvartire gaz A ia ezhikov liubliu. Ne gubite ezhikov - Vse my nemnogo ezhiki A ia khochu domoi - A ia uzhe doma - Vy gomiki - A ia khochu pit' pivo - ß edu domoi - A ia ne khochu domoi - ß tozhe khochu I want to go home! - I am too

Khochu kurit' - Kto so mnoi, kladi babki ('money') v partu - ß khochu domoi - ß vsegda s toboi - S kem? - S toboi TRAKH - ß s vami TRAKH

        Pomni sauna! - Kto tebia na nogi postavil? - Khvatit na parte pisat'! - Podumai o dushe - Ty oukhuel? ß vam dariu sebia! - Spasibo, ne nado, sebia khvataet! Slavka - durak - Ne pravda - Smotria kakoi Slavka - Pravil'no-pravil'no, Slavka - Ne vse duraki, khotia mnogie Guns n Roses - Der'mo! - Sam ty der'mo - Èto chto eshche za bazary ('talkings') \ ? Kanitelei ('long trial') ili srazu tebia ubit'? Kiss! - My penis - Be-e, kakaia pakost' - Khaliulin Vladimir Liubov' imeem - ne khranim Devchenok nashikh obizhaem. Slovami grubymi kleimim - A dal'she? - Dal'she ia ne znaiu No ona ne liubit muzhchin, A liubit klubniku so l'dom - A ia liubliu shokolad s orekhami, vodku Lemon i mal'chika Sashu - A ia liubliu shampanskoe - A ia liubliu spat' i smotret' televizor

        Literary alteration is a form of dialogue, too. More often we see alterations of Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Marshak, Barto.

        V lesu razdavalsia topor drovoseka. Gonial toporom drovosek gomoseka. Ustal, pritomilsia, prileg drovosek, S ulybkoi zalez na nego gomosek

        Vot i ver' posle ètogo liudiam - Otdalas' ia emu pri lune, A on vzial moi nezhnye grudi I uzlom zaviazal na spine - S. Esenin Ebite bab na svezhem sene - Sovet vam dal Sergei Esenin ß idu po rose, bosy nogi mochu, ß takoi zhe, kak vse, ß ebat'sia khochu. - Ne khodi po rose, Bosykh nog ne mochi, Raz takoi zhe, kak vse. To sidi i drochi!

        Idet student, kachaetsia, Vzdykhaet na khodu. Pust' sessiia konchaetsia, A nu ee v pizdu!

        ß dostaiu iz shirokikh shtanin razmerom s konservnuiu banku!

        Smotrite, zaviduite - ß grazhdanin, a ne kakaia-nibud' tam grazhdanka!

Dialogue in verse is not often found.

        Pisat' na stenakh tualeta, uvy, druz'ia, ne mudreno! Sredi govna vy vse poèty. Sredi poètov vy - govno! - Na podokonnikakh pisal i na dveriakh na tualetnykh. Uvy, poètom ia ne stal. No nikogda govnom ia ne byl!

        If you want to have a sex. Fuck my dog, His name is Rex! - If you want a little brouther, Ask your Dad To fuck your mother! -

        Privet vsem iz shkoly 7! Kto zdes' sidit, togo liubliu, kladite v partu po rubliu - ß zdes' sizhu, sebia liubliu, I rubl' tebe ne polozhu!

Among drawings the most interesting form is game in drawings. More often it is the game in which one must finish the picture. But we know other kinds of spontaneous games as well. The first is Vagonchiki. The first player draws a locomotive and writes:

        "Esli ty ne goluboi, narisui vagon drugoi" or "Esli tebe skuchno, narisui drugoi vagon" or "Komu skuchno - pririsuite vagonchik" or "Esli ty goluboi, narisui vagon drugoi - Odin raz ne pidaras -Tak malo vagono - skol'ko mnogo golubkov". Others must draw different carriages - the more the better. On one desk we counted 67 carriages.

As a parody to this game students created another one: "Esli ty bukharik ('drinker'), narisui stoparik". The first picture is "Tazik", then bucket, and so on.

In drawing-dialogues the most popular are the following: undressing and dressing; paradoxical finishing of an unfinished picture; adding unnatural details to a picture. These are: vulgarisation of a romantic girl's picture by adding male and female genitals, by "undressing", by adding a beard, moustaches, black eyes, scars, pipe or cigarettes to women's faces; semantic changing by adding parts of different animals to human body; "dressing" of a naked body.

As we can see, the main kinds of dialogues are typical of the heterogenetic structure of any society.