10.15 Symposium opening (University of Tartu History Museum, White Hall)
10.30 Plenary lecture: David Elton Gay (Bloomington, IN, USA) The Idea of an Epic: Some Problems of Genre Definition
11.15–11.45 Coffee/tea break
11.45–12.30 Plenary lecture: Dmitry Funk (Moscow, Russia) The Last Shor Epic Singer
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14.00–15.30 Two parallel sessions

White Hall, Chair: Ergo-Hart Västrik:
Lotte Tarkka (Helsinki, Finland) The Dialogue of Genres in Kalevala-Metre Oral Epics
Tiina Kirss (Tallinn, Estonia) Core and Trunk: The Textuality of the Kalevipoeg in Estonian Culture
Frog (Helsinki, Finland) Traditional Epic as Genre: Definition as a Foundation for Comparative Research

Conference Hall, Chair: Cornelius Hasselblatt:
Niina Hämäläinen (Turku, Finland) Emotions and Authenticity. Reflections on the Epoch in the Kalevala
Liina Lukas (Tartu, Estonia) The Baltic-German Sagendichtung around the Kalevipoeg
Aldis Pūtelis (Riga, Latvia) The Epic Need for an Epic: Latvian Literary Epics of the Late 19th Century
15.30–16.00 Coffee/tea break
16.00–17.30 Two parallel sessions

White Hall, Chair: Frog:
Mari Sarv (Tartu, Estonia) The Success Story of a Verse Form
Madis Arukask (Tartu, Estonia) Lamenting Kalevipoeg
Rein Veidemann (Tallinn, Estonia) The Epic Kalevipoeg as a Source of Principal Clauses of the Estonian Narrative

Conference Hall, Chair: Aldis Pūtelis:
Hasso Krull (Tallinn, Estonia) The Mystified Landscape: The Kalevipoeg and the Reversal of Tradition
Marin Laak (Tartu, Estonia) Traces and Threads: The Kalevipoeg in Modern Estonian Culture
Kärt Summatavet (Tartu, Estonia) Mythology and the Artist’s Imagination
18.00 Reception by the City of Tartu in the Town Hall (for registered participants)