4 variants

Question: Kaj je napol leseno, na pol svinjsko?
Answer: Krtača
Archival reference: Koledarček 1862; ŠZ 9/144, 56
Collector: Publikacija; Štuhec, Josip
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 1862
Key-words of answer: krtača
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Kaj je na pol leseno, na pol pa svinjsko?
Answer: Krtača
Archival reference: Slov. Glasnik VII. 1861, 44; ŠZ 9/155, 8
Collector: Publikacija; Štrekelj, Karel
Place of collecting: Novo mesto
Date of collecting: 1861
Key-words of answer: krtača
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Pol les, pol presé
Answer: Ščet ali škertača
Archival reference: ŠZ 8/5, 11
Collector: Pegan, Anton
Place of collecting: Goriško
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: krtača
Subcategory: True riddle

Question: Pol les, pol prese, kaj je to?
Answer: Ščet (krtača)
Archival reference: UnS 433
Collector: Publikacija
Place of collecting: 0
Date of collecting: 0
Key-words of answer: krtača
Subcategory: True riddle